If you want request your own Japanese name printed goods, please fill this form. It is 100% free.
We will add your original Japenese Kanji name product in 5 business days.
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Print Name in English (required)
Which name do you want to print? (required) First Name Last Name(Surname)
Print name is Male or Female? (required) Male Female
You need to tell us your Japanese Kanji name. There is 3 ways to tell us your Kanji name.(one of them required)
* If you need to translate your name by our Japanese stuff, you need 10$ fee. Visit [Click]here[Click] ,then you can order translation.
1.Your Name in Japanese Kanji Copy and past or type yourself Japanse Kanji name
2.URL of your result page Copy and paste the URL of your result page of JNG
Ex. http://japanese-name-generator.com/result/?f_n=%E9%96%93%E6%B4%BB&l_n=&of_n=michel&ol_n=&kana_f_n=ma_ikeru_&kana_l_n=
3.File If you have your Japanese Kanji image file, you can send us.
If you have anything to tell us ,please leave your message here.